The Arcadia Ambulance Service was established in 1970 and is community owned by eight municipalities which include the cities of Arcadia and Independence, Townships of Arcadia, Burnside, Dodge, Glencoe, Montana, and Waumandee. The ambulance service provides emergency services to a population of approximately 8,000 and covers 480 square miles.
We utilize Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians, EMT Basic and Emergency Medical Responders to staff the ambulances. In addition to responding to calls, the members provide education to the community, provide tours for local groups, and stand by for local events.
The ambulance service provides training sponsorship opportunities to community members interested in emergency medical services. Additional information about training and education is available upon request.
Ambulance Contact Info:
Deb Slaby, Director
Arcadia Ambulance Service
P.O. Box 156
965 S Dettloff Drive
Arcadia, WI 54612
[email protected]
Office 608-323-3589