Boards & Commissions

The City of Arcadia is thankful for and proud of the many individuals that serve our community on their respective Boards and Committees. Our many advisory committees and boards demonstrate representative self-government with decisions for our community being made by people from our community. Local residents have stepped up and given their time and ideas to the common cause. Their goal of improving our community isn't for personal gain or reward but rather to guide the City of Arcadia towards reaching her potential and being a great place to call home.

Ambulance Board

Town of Glencoe Cletus Foegen, Board President
Town of Waumandee Rick Reuter, Board Vice President
Town of Arcadia Bill Haines
Town of Burnside Fred Boe
Town of Montana Bill Christ
Town of Dodge Kara Wener
City of Arcadia Jason Lockington
City of Independence Rich Theisen

Board of Review

John Kimmel - Mayor
Jason Lockington
Adam Guenther
Angela Berg - City Clerk
Duane Matelski - Alternate

Economic Development

John Kimmel - Mayor
Kevin Manley - Chairman
Matt Hughes - Vice Chairman
Terry Madden
Cole Bawek
Gary Bautch (UC Rep)
Adam Guenther (CC Rep)

Emergency Management, Safety & Civil Defense Commission

Paul Anderson - Council Representative
Vacant-Chief of Police
Tyler Pientok - Fire Chief
Deb Slaby - Arcadia Ambulance Coordinator
Rollie Conrad - Street Superintendent
Raymond Suchla - Water & Wastewater Superintendent
Tim Putz - Electric Superintendent

Finance, Budget & Taxation

John Kimmel-Mayor

Donald Kreibich-Council President
Angela Berg - City Clerk

Fire Board Representatives

Paul Anderson - Council Representative
Duane Matelski - Council Representative
Paul Mullikin - Citizen Member

Housing & Building Standards Committee

Paul Anderson
Duane Matelski
Brock Haines

Library Board

Elva Helwig - President (2024)
Nicole Myers (2025)

Catie Kotlarz (2024)
Marge Forsythe (2024)
Erin Moreno - Superintendent Designee
Jason Lockington Council Representative

Parks Committee

Duane Matelski 
Dan Sonsalla
Adam Guenther

Pavilion Committee

Dale Pehler - Lion's Club Member
Dan Suchla - Lion's Club Member
Angela Berg - City Clerk
Open - Council Representative
John Kimmel - Mayor

Personnel Committee 

Roland Thomas
Gary Bautch
Paul Anderson
Brock Haines

Planning Commission

John Kimmel - Mayor (Term G)
Brock Haines  - Council Representative (Term F)
Gary Bautch (Term E )
Chad Kotlatz (Term A)
 (Term C)
 (Term D)
Keith Witte - (Term B to 2023)

Street Committee

Rollie Conrad
Duane Matelski
Kyle Myhre
Brock Haines

Utility Commission

Roland Thomas (President)
Gary J Bautch (Secretary)
Tim Killian
David Hesch
Dave Bjorge
Duane Matelski - Council Representative

Zoning Board of Appeals

Diana Tempski  (Term C to 2024)
Keith Witte  (Term D to 2025)
Tim Schultz  (Term E to 2025)
Randy Rugotzke (Term A to 2026)
Andrew Meinerz (Term B to 2026)
 Michael Sobotta - 1st Alternate
Vacant - 2nd Alternate