Community Donation Form

This presentation was a simulation of an accident scene with real actors to draw the audience in to realizing that being impaired behind the wheel effects not only the driver, but a multitude of individuals. Throughout the simulation the audience watches how an accident scene unfolds and how police, fire, EMS and a helicopter are all involved. To end the simulation the driver is arrested and a funeral procession takes place marking the death of one of the individuals involved.
See 2018 Safe Prom photo album for more photos.
We are only able to present this multi-faceted event with the help of the following individuals: the Arcadia High School, Arcadia-Glencoe Fire Department, Arcadia Ambulance Service, Trempealeau County Sheriff’s Office, Wisconsin State Patrol, Trempealeau County Coroner’s Office, Suchla’s Towing, and the Wozney-Killian Funeral Home.
Thank you again for everyone dedication and involvement with this event and support.
Arcadia Police Department
Bike Rodeo & Safety Day
On behalf of the Arcadia Police Department we would like to thank all of the individuals and businesses that donate supplies, money and their time to make this all possible. Without these donations we would not be able to put on such a fantastic program for the youth of our growing community.
Thank You!
Arcadia Police Department